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Tandron Spirits 天祿洋酒

Tandron Spirits is a beverages distributor in Hong Kong. The company was founded in late 2012. The Company's Chinese name "天祿" is originated from a phrase in a piece of old Chinese literature (漢書食貨志). The phrase says, "Alcohol is gift from the Gods above". We are inspired by the phrase and hope to share this wonderful gift of alcohol to those who appreciate quality alcoholic beverages.


Though the Company has only started in 2012, we have had many years of experiences in wines and spirits distribution.Tandron Spirits' core business includes the sales and distribution of wines and spirits from different parts of the world as well.


We, at Tandron are constantly sourcing for more different beverages at competitive prices for local distribution.

Our company's mission is to ensure our customers to attain a wide-range of firstclass alcoholic products. We are working actively with worldwide suppliers to enrich our product range. Furthermore, we can enhance the value of our suppliers' products through our extensive distribution network and comprehensive marketing services in Hong Kong.


We are a professional and enthusiastic team aiming at providing quality products and delivering excellent services to our clients, as well as striving for the better. We believe our customers deserve the best services, and thus, we appreciate your enquiries, feedback and advice in regards to our products and services.


For more information on us, please send your enquiries to





我們正在與世界各地的供應商合作,不斷採購各種酒類, 並以最有競爭力的價格分銷產品。我們希望除了能提供多種一級酒類產品給予客戶選擇外,亦能透過我們的廣泛銷售網絡和完善營銷服務,提高經銷產品的價值。



Copyright © 2012-2018 Tandron Spirits International Limited

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Address: Unit F, 13/F, Luk Hop Industrial Building, No.8 Luk Hop Street, San Po Kong, Kln

Tel:+852 2668 5072

Whats App下單快線:+852 5218 6661




  1. ​加入購物籃>check out 結帳>填妥送貨資料>進行付款>完成訂購

  2. Paypal付款,接受Visa或Master信用卡

  3. 當我們收到訂單及付款,便會以電話聯絡客戶安排送貨日子及時間,一般送貨約為3-5日工作天

  4. 送貨服務供應商「順風速運」

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  1. ​只提供香港地區送貨服務 (離島或偏遠地區如馬灣、東涌、機場等地區不接受送貨服務)

  2. ​購物未滿港幣$500將收取港幣$50運費

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